A New dbt Engine

Your dbt project just got a heck of a lot faster. Give dbt a boost with SDF. Same authoring framework, no migration, all the benefits of SDF.

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Fastest Time to Value

No hard choices. Get the best of dbt and all the benefits of SDF with zero migration required. With SDF as the engine to your dbt project you can meet your users where they are, keeping change management in check while leaving adoption woes behind.

Enhanced Data Quality

Error Detection at Compile Time
Catch runtime errors and logical inconsistencies  before they ever reach your data warehouse
Semantic Guardrails
Enforce business logic with code to ensure privacy, ownership, and quality with SDF Classifiers and Checks
Impact Analysis
Proactively detect the impact of code changes and potential model overlap on your warehouse directly within GitHub PRs

Optimize Cost Savings

The SDF Engine liberates organizations from their reliance on expensive cloud compute. Our smart caching only reruns models when the data or code impacting them has changed.
Minimize cloud runs with local compilation
Optimize execution with smart caching
Detect overlapping models and other optimizations with SDF Cloud reports
Reduce testing costs with SDF tests, bundling checks into fewer queries

Why  SDF  + dbt?

Drive New Value
Help your data team move faster with a best-in-class developer experience
Optimize Cost
Effortlessly save on your cloud warehouse bill without compromising quality
Enhance Quality
Facilitate trust between data consumers and data stewards

It’s dbt... Accelerated

SDF takes the same core dbt commands like compile, run, and test -- and uniquely evolves each of them with no migration overhead
Benchmarked at 100x faster, SDF understands your SQL and validates it locally
SDF Run parallelizes execution across threads and cores with the speed of Rust
SDF Test aggregates your same dbt tests into fewer queries to save time and money
SDF adds extra functionality like linting 500x faster than SQL Fluff, WAP (write, audit, publish), and business logic checks